昨天為了一睹台灣之光... 特地守在電視機前面看 Ellen DeGeneres 訪問這位從台灣遠道而到美國的林育群;
Ellen 找它來上節目,我想最主要的不是他唱得好吧 (他真的是唱得很好), 以 Ellen 的關係,要請原唱 Whitney Houston 上她的節目、輕而易舉...
可是 Ellen 要的應該是要這位從小被欺負很多的歌手、來告訴全美國的小朋友以下這段對話...
Ellen: I understand you've been bullied a lot so what would you say to other kids out there have been bullied...
Interpreter: I'm gonna tell them that there is a reason for everybody to exist in this world, and be confident... the best way to get back to them is to be more successful than they are.