Monday, December 5, 2011

燕麥、果仁、水果乾 Granola Bar 食譜大公開

Oats, nuts and dried fruits Granola Bars


1. 1 cup quick cook rolled oats
2. 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
3. 1/2 wheat germ
4. 1/4 cup whole wheat flour (either all purpose or for pastry)
5. 1/2 cup dried apricots (chop into small pieces)
6. 1/2 cup raisins
7. 1/2 cup slivered almonds
8. 1/3 cup flaxseeds
9. 2 tablespoons buttermilk powder
10. 1/4 teaspoon salt
11. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
12. 1/2 cup Xylitol (or 1/3 cup maple syrup)
13. 2 large eggs (lightly whisked)

Making the bars:
1. preheat the oven to 350 degrees F; coat a 9x13 inches baking pan with cooking spray or use parchment paper.
2. Mix ingredient 1~11 in a big bowl then add eggs and blend well.
3. transfer the mixture onto the baking pan and spread evenly into a square shape (about 3/4 inch height)
4. bake about 20 minutes. (middle rack)
5. take it out of the oven and transfer onto the cooling rack and set it cool.
6. cut into 20 squares (or any size of bars as you want)


  1. 在大哥這裡潛水好ㄧ陣子了,看著成品照片,心情就很愉悅,真想搬去跟大哥當鄰居,就可以認識大哥,然後有健康又美味的麵包吃了,呵呵~
    麻煩大哥有空解答一下,我是烘焙新手,很多不懂的地方,還請指教囉~很高興認識你 我是林豬拉

    1. maple syrup 的作用就是取代糖,所以我們希望它能夠均勻分布...

      謝謝你的支持,有空大家一塊研究吧.... :)


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